Álvaro Goula and Pablo Figuera, met studying at Elisava (Barcelona) and set up in 2011, together with two other partners, the multidisciplinary design studio Fáctil Design. In 2012 they left Fáctil in order to create Goula/Figuera Studio, from where they work on contemporary product design for companies, limited editions and creative consultancy. The duo’s work aims to remain in the middle point between conceptual and commercial design, where the industry values and the creativity converge and feedback each other. When designing, Pablo and Álvaro hold from the beginning to an undeniable principle: the obsessive care about the object’s shape, which expresses its aesthetic values through its material, the respect for the fabrication process and, of course, usefulness. Their works expect to be bold, elegant and easy to understand, but always running away from funny references and superficial decoration. Since 2013, they combine their studio work with teaching at the university. Their career has been recognised with a number of awards and nominations amongst which are noteworthy the Design Plus, the Lexus Design Award, the 1st Critics’ Award Red Spanish Design Brands Association and the Injuve Award.